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The New Children's Code Act

13th October, 2022

The New Children's Code Act

The new Children’s Code Act No. 12 of 2022 (the “Code”) attempts to consolidate and codify the law relating to children in Zambia. Previously, issues relating to children were dealt with under different types of legislation. For instance, matters relating to the adoption of children were dealt with under the Adoption Act, (Cap 54); the affiliation/paternity and maintenance of children was dealt with under the Affiliation and Maintenance of Children Act, (Cap 64); the custody and protection of juveniles in need of care and the correction of juvenile delinquents, under the Juveniles Act, (Cap 53); and the legitimization of children born out of wedlock under the Legitimacy Act, (Cap 52). The Code however, has repealed the aforesaid statutes (the “repealed Statutes”) and codified them into one piece of legislation.

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